Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The beat keeps going

I'm sitting here thinking on what I should write when it comes to me like the sunrise. Music I love music, I love to dance. I listen to it everyday all day if I can, I dance around in my living room. Music is the world language. Go anywhere in the world and you will hear it, people playing it, people dancing to it. Is the desire for music inherently ingrained into our genes or a learned trait? Play a simple beat to a child and what do they start doing, yup you guessed it they start to dance. Some people may say that they are just mimicking their parents. Who knows, well someone probably knows but I don't. When you meet someone that you may be inclined to engage in romance with what is one of the first questions people tend to ask? You got it "What kind of music do you listen to?" Music can in some sort define what kind of person they are, what values they may have. When I was younger I loved to go out dancing up to five nights a week. Loved it, good exercise it moves your entire body. When I started to cut down on the clubbing I gained some weight. Guess grooving for several hours a night really burns up some calories. Heck that's it my new gimmick instead of a gym's aerobic classes play some music and have people dance in the afternoon during their lunch breaks. hhaha. These days I tend to listen to mostly streaming music online. Why? Well two reasons first you get a lot more variety and no freeking DJ's and their wacky antics. Specially in the morning, no freeking "Morning Waking Crew" for me. A good place to go is lots of different styles of music and all for free. Diff bit rates so if your on dial up you can still get some sort of stream 32k.

Song listing to while writing
3-force --Secrets
4 Strings --Driving
Went and watched him spin down in LA once he can really get a crowed going.
Neo Cortex --Don't You


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