Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Long time

I have not written in my blog for some time so I figured Id pick it up again and go from there. So how many of you bloggers out there are psychopaths? humm makes ya wonder these days. Criminals and hoods write down their thoughts for the world to read. I have not come across very many "hate monger" blog's though. Maybe I just miss them or something who knows.

Whats up with me well I got a crappy job at cingular data support then get fired cuz I was a rabble rouser. What was I doing that warranted termination you ask? Well, I asked for an ergo keyboard! The gaul of me yea I know. I guess the corp policy is that I have to hurt myself b4 they will let me use one. So I said that was crap and now I'm back to unemployment. Sucks I was getting used to working again and was making money. Oh well it was making me fatter, how can that be you say. After being chained to my desk for a bit I realized that I move around a lot at home, walking around the house, dance to my tekno music, just stand and stair at the walls, swat the bats that attack me in the afternoon, were in bat country now!

So how many of ya made it to purepwnage? Well if your to lazy to download any of the vids, there is hope for you still! Now you can stream short clips from the show. So, no more excuses why you cant watch some PP! That MMO Girl is sure cute to boot.
The last 2 ep's have been dealing w/ WoW. A game in which I am currently playing. Got my Hunter up to 31 last night and scored some uber $h1T. The game is a total waste of time just EQ, AO, and any other MMO but its just so fun. I got a new video card for it to. Scored a FX6800 128 for 150 bucks good deal. Wont retail for that price for a few more days :).


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