Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I was drunk!

I was thinking about the excuse "I was drunk", and how it can almost be used for excuses for every wrong a person can do. Lets see.

Beat your wife: I was drunk
Shot someone:I was drunk
Robbed a store: I was drunk
Raped someone: I was drunk
Attacked someone w/ or w/o a weapon: I was drunk
Murder: I was drunk
Threats of violent or nonviolent nature: I was drunk
I did anything wrong: I was drunk when I (insert action)

It's an catch all defense for all, except one!
Drunk Driving! Yup think about it why cant you use that for an excuse in court!? Your honor I was drunk and had a diminished capacity so, therefor its not really my fault I was driving. Yea yea if I ever get a DWI that's what I'm going for.

Something to think about and have a laugh


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