Monday, April 18, 2005

Bloody hand

A friend of mine called me today and gave me the low down on her marriage. In a nut shell they got in a big fight, he told her that their wedding was a sham and he married her because he felt sorry for her. Took their nice wedding picture, smashed it and began stabbing it with a pair of scissors. During their fight in what I can say is a momentary laps of judgment she took a butchers knife and slashed her wrist deep. So, she spent some time in the hospital getting stitched up. I have known her for years and that she was a tad bit left off center but never thought that she would go that far. Well, just talked to her about her incident and she is playing it off as drama. I'm concerned, drama should not go that far.

One that that came out of this that is rather humorous. After she cut herself. She had a sudden realization that "holy crap WTF did I do" . She grabs her arm and tries to hold the wound shut, her husband tosses her the phone and tells her to call 911! She exclaims "I cant, I'm holding my arm closed". Yes, I know we should not take light of this situation but its just kinda funny with the phone tossing en all.


At 7:51 PM, Blogger NeverEnough said...

She needs to leave this asshole before one of them ends up dead. Give her that advice quickly.


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