Sunday, September 11, 2005


Do you think that if Katrina hit an area that was full of upperclass whites; would it of took as long to act?


At 7:40 PM, Blogger Hale McKay said...

Normally I would answer no to that question, but with the dunderheads we have in charge of these outfits, I'm not certain!

At 12:43 AM, Blogger Laura said...

thank you for the compliment on that photograph :)

and in answer to your question, (though i do agree with hale, there as well) is: yeah, it probably would have been a much quicker response. that's all the rich white 'dunderheads' care about isn't it? other rich white dunderheads...

At 11:58 PM, Blogger Will said...

The race issue is something that must be looked into. The list of fucks ups in the Katrina folder gets higher by the second. At least Michael Brown had the decency to "resign". It's horrible that more people had to die because of his incompetence. At first, I just told myself that it was a classist thing. I let myself believe that the poor suffer especially in the face of tragedy. But I think there is something to this race angle. I think that the folks in charge would be more inclined to help if the people suffering looked like them. I must disagree with Kanye West though. I don't think that George Bush doesn't care about black people. I just think that he doesn't have them in the forefront of his mind. Whatever the case may be, the clusterfuck of a rescue effort is unforgivable.

By the way, thanks for the link to Team Wilco.

At 3:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I think if it were my soccer mom suburb...there would have been evian dropping from the sky and an emergency starbuck's station set up within HOURS. I think race has everything to do with it. When you pretend the poor minority does not exisit for decades, you do that same pretending, hurricane or no hurricane. If nothing else, I hope this starts a REAL debate about poverty in modern day america.


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