Friday, August 26, 2005


You ever think about your own death? When was the first time you realized that you were going to die. I mean truly realized that no matter what you did death will come for you some day? Me, I was about 23 and was coming down off some good mushies. An TV ad was on about Ensure and the slogan was we cant add years to your life but can add life to your years. I turned to my friend and said what a stupid commercial. He looks at me and says "why old people know they are going to die. We are all going to die some time." At that moment I truly knew that someday I will be no more, gone. Kinda mind blowing at the time, heck still is when you really think about it. You will be no more, gone. Great men, small men at the end it doesn't make a difference.


At 8:18 AM, Blogger Hasan the Not-So-Great said...

i think about the same thing on my birthday.

As a friend once told me, "Death is a reality for everyone. The truly strong are the ones that know it could be any time, and the truly weak are the ones who shrug it off till the last second."

thanks for the comment on my blog.

At 4:51 AM, Blogger flythemig29 said...

I was in Rome a couple of years ago and was in a church which is decorated with the bones of long dead priests. There is a skeleton sitting in a chair holding a sign which says,"Where you are I once was, where I am you will be."

Thanks for the spam filter tip.


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