Saturday, September 10, 2005

Honesty is not the best option

Well im back from Mexico. It was lots of fun and lots ah heat and humitiy that I dont personaly like. Im a sweater big time so I was drippin wet most of the time when Iwas outside but still with that I would like to go back someday. Maybe in the dry season. I was given a cheap Cuban cigar as a gift that I was supose to smoke while I was there but in my "packrat" mentataly I wanted to take it home and place it somewhere as a momento of the trip. Well if you ever hear that you can take back a small personal supply of Cuban's you are now re-educated. You are not allowed a cingle one in the good ole USA! I in my wisdome wanted to be honest and I payed the price of that but getting it taken away. CRY! I tried to make a joke of it to the customes lady and she well ahh humm a FUCKING BITCH! No smiles no nothing and I must say I was cranking out some good material. What I was I fould really funny is that I could of broght a kilo of coke in the country taped to my leggs and could of walked right through customs.

This picture was taken while on a glass bottom boat. There are some rumors that I got seasick and passed out for 30 seconds. ALL LIES!! I was looking at the fishies, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.


At 6:13 PM, Blogger Krn said...

Thanks for the spam blocker idea. I haven't decided yet just cuz I am a slacker.

To bring in cuban cigars you need to take the ring off and then put them in a homemade humidor (plastic bag with a damp cotton ball) and then hide the hell out of 'em.

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why the hell would u want 1


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