Saturday, October 01, 2005

I may be

I may ==== at least

be fat ====== I'm not in prison
get mad ====== I don't attack people with a baseball bat
get frustrated ====== I don't make death/rape threats
be poor ====== I don't don't tell my "friends" that my GF is the source of my rides, gas, cigarets
be a scammer ====== I don't brag about conning people out of money
have an handfull of friends ====== they are not friends by lies and deception
have a clean criminal record ====== I don't make up stories about murdering people
a boring life ====== I am free
make mistakes ====== dont get co-workers fired to coverup my lies days b4 I go to prison

God speed mofo, rot!


At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One can really only compare themself to themself; comparing yourself to others is pointless, and a waste of your time. Though you've clearly attempted to highlight your superiorities here, it really just comes off as exposing a list of your insecurities (the words "at least" are quite telling; here, they act to "justify" everything that you're NOT okay with about yourself).

Try using "I" statements (for example, if you cut the first half of all these claims off, they'd sound empowering).

At 12:34 AM, Blogger In a split second said...

Good point, I guess if you knew this dushbag you may think otherwise.

All statments about my self he has made very clear that's what he thinks I am and clearly states it.

Oh and I hope that my superiorities are not that im fat, boring and poor. :D


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