Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I should be going off to sleep now that I have taken that wonderful pill ambian.. I feel a bit out of it right now and chaseing it down with some Miller Light. So, I am off my rocker a tad. Some point in my life I would love to take some smack and write while on it and see what I can produce. then take some LSD and do the same, then maybe some K and see what happens then. Dose drugs really make you a better writer? The JUST SAY NO clan will put a firm foot on no and it kills your creativity. I wonder what other orgs out there are saying. Goes with music too. Oh well im geting the spins so I must go off to bed and sleep.

COMMENT PEOPLE! I know you want to :)


At 5:55 PM, Blogger Jimmy said...

I like your site so if it's coll with you I'm going to steal some of your stuff and put a permalink on mr own blog.

At 7:00 PM, Blogger In a split second said...

take what you want :)

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Will said...

Ambien is wonderful. It's my new party drug of choice.

Yes, drugs do make you a better writer. I do 5 rails of coke, flip it up with some acid, and down an entire bottle of jager before I update I have to bring the edge down by taking 3 quad bars of xanax. I then wake up 3 days later in a puddle of my own blood, urine, and vomit. Sure, it's probably not healthy for me but how else am I suppose to make the same lame dick jokes over and over again?

Again, thatnks for linking Team Wilco.

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Will said...

and by "thatnks" I of course meen the old Norse word for "cliff over looking a river".

At 6:32 AM, Blogger Ashley said...

I prefer a Valium, a glass of Shiraz, and a spin in the whirlpool tub, myself..


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